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Tuesday 28 July 2015


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its unbelievable, but true!
how  many times do we
complain about the things we
don’t have? We complaint
about things we desire but
cannot obtain, or things that
we once had but are now lost
from us. How many times
have we encountered people
moping over unfortunate
adversities such as accidents
or calamities? Let us ask a
question to ourselves,
whether these incidental
tragedies are reasons to lose
hope and give up, or are they
a test of faith and a sign for
new things to come. One
man might inspire you to
believe in the latter.
His name, is Peng Shuilin.
Peng Shuilin was born in
Hunan Province, China. In
1995, in Shenzhen, he met
with an unfortunate accident
where a freight truck sliced
his body in half. The doctors
said that his lower body was
destroyed beyond repair. For
most people, this incident
would be soul-crushingly
traumatic. One might argue
that the will to live, or rather
the will to live happily might
be lost on a person who has
suffered such a fate.
But not Peng Shuilin, because
he endured two years of
surgeries and various medical
treatments in a hospital in
Shenzhen to get better. He
had almost all of his major
organs and systems in his
body rerouted. As you can
imagine, these medical
procedures took a lot of
effort and was excruciating,
but Peng endured in order to
get his life back. This was a
man who did not know
During his time in the
hospital, Peng kept exercising
his arms, building up
strength, washing his face
and brushing his teeth.
Eventually Peng was
rewarded for his
perseverance when doctors at
the China Rehabilitation
Research Centre in Beijing
devised an ingenious way to
allow him to walk on his own,
creating a sophisticated egg
cup-like casing to hold his
body, with two bionic legs
Peng has been walking the
corridors of Beijing
Rehabilitation Centre with the
aid of these specially adapted
legs and a re-sized walking
As Peng sways his body from
side to side, the leg from over
which his body-weight has
been relieved moves forward.
By swaying from one side to
another, Peng can make both
the legs move in a fashion
that would best emulate the
sensation of walking.
However, it is not as simple
as it sounds, since it takes
careful consideration and
practice to use it. But Peng
understands how to use it; so
well that the inspirational 37-
year-old has become a
businessman and is used as
a role model for other
amputees. He has also
opened his own bargain
supermarket, called the ‘Half
Man Half Price’ Store.
At just 2 feet 7 inches tall, he
moves around in a wheelchair
giving lectures on recovery
from disability. His secret: a
positive attitude.
Now, let us ask ourselves the
question that we talked about
earlier. After a tragic incident,
should we be embroiled in
despair or should we accept
what has happened and
move on with life? If we take
the example of Peng Shuilin,
what would have happened if
he had given up on hope
instead of enduring the days
after the tragedy?
He made quite a life for
himself even after losing half
his body. When asked how
he did it, he would smile and
say that he never gave up.
That is the key; to never give
up despite the adversity. This
is what we learn from Peng
Shuilin: the man who lost half
his body

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