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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Top 10 Richest Countries inAfrica

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Source: http://
The article is about the
richest countries in Africa.
The continent of Africa is
home to many of the poorest
countries in the world. But it
does have some of the
richest nations as well. If you
are going to ask “which is the
richest country in Africa?”
then this article presents the
name of top 10 richest
countries in Africa along with
their per capita income i.e.
Average income per person in
a country.
List of Wealthiest African
Name of Country
Per Capita Income
Equatorial Guinea
South Africa
#1) Seychelles – The Richest
Country In Africa
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital: Victoria
Officially Republic of
Seychelles, based on per
capita income, it is the
wealthiest nation from Africa.
This country is made up of
small 115 islands and its
population is less than 0.1
million. It is located in the
Indian Ocean to the East of
Africa. It is not located in
mainland Africa, but as per
conventions it is counted as
an African nation. Its GDP is
lesser than many people on
the list of Forbes billionaires.
Salmon is one of the highly
exported thing from this
African nation. With a small
population and small GDP, it
occupies the first spot in this
#2) Equatorial Guinea
Second Wealthiest African
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital: Malabo
Situated on the West Coast of
Africa is the second richest
country i.e. Equatorial
Guinea. This wealthy African
nation has a population less
than a million. Its economy
depends on fishing and
farming of especially Cocoa.
Discovery of oil in the 1990s
further increased wealth of
this African nation. It was
once a Spanish colony and
its coasts were discovered by
explorers who set out to find
a route to India. Its illiteracy
rate was too high in the
1970s, but President Obiang
ensured good policies to
reduce it down to 13 percent.
#3) Gabon
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital: Libreville
With its per capita income
more than other poorer
countries of Africa, Gabon
qualifies as the third richest
country in the African
continent. Gabon’s economy
today depends mostly on oil
revenues and timber
plantation, according to the
CIA. Situated in sub-Sahara,
Gabon has a very small
population of around a
million. With its GDP less
than $20 billion, Jeff Bezos,
Mark Zuckerberg and many
others have a greater net
worth than it.
#4) Botswana
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital: Gaborone
Populated with more than 2
million, Botswana is the
fourth wealthiest country in
this list. Tourism, financial
services, subsistence farming,
and cattle raising are other
key sectors where the country
makes money. Standard of
living is comparable to the
nations like Turkey and
Mexico. Much of its territorial
area lies in Kalahari Desert
which is another big desert
after the Sahara. A British
colony, Botswana has
majority of its people living
below the poverty line, yet a
high GDP per capita makes it
a rich African nation.
#5) South Africa
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capitals: Pretoria,
Bloemfontein and Cape Town
The fastest developing
country in Africa and also in
the world, South Africa has
the highest GDP in the
continent. It is a member of
BRICS (Brazil Russia India
China and South Africa). The
people of this country find
employment in diverse
sectors like agriculture,
fishing, vehicle manufacturing
and assembly, food-
processing, clothing and
textiles. It is the most
developed nation in Africa
and has a very high Human
Development Index. Cricket is
the most popular sport in this
country and it is because of
British people who left their
legacy. Because apartheid, it
had international sanctions
that debarred it from most of
the things in the world like
trade, sport, etc.
#6) Libya
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital City: Tripoli
Libya is the richest African
Arab country and overall
sixth on this list. Like other
Arab nations, it also depends
on petroleum for money and
it employs many people in
this sector. About 20% of
GDP of this rich country is for
service and construction
sectors. Arabic is the most
spoken language in Libya and
Sufi Islam is the most
followed type of Islam. Since
fall of Muamma Gaddafi,
Libya has been in political
turmoil and chaos. It has the
largest deposit of oils in the
continent of Africa.
#7) Tunisia
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital: Tunis
With a small number of
inhabitants and a significant
GDP, Tunisia is the seventh
richest country in Africa.
Also, it is the second richest
African Arab country after
Libya. It is a small nation
when compared to its
neighbors, Algeria to its west
and Libya to its east. A trend
among the educated is to
move to European nations to
the north of Mediterranean
for jobs and better lifestyle.
#8) Namibia
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital: Windhoek
Depending mostly on South
Africa for trading, Namibia is
one of the fastest developing
countries in Africa. Mining,
Agriculture, manufacturing
and tourism contribute
heavily to this rich African
country on Earth. Another
Commonwealth country,
Cricket is the most popular
sport in Namibia. Ovambo is
the largest ethnic group in
Nigeria. It has a low
population less and low GDP
as well. It has a low HDI as
well and low illiteracy rate.
#9) Algeria
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital: Algiers
Another Arab nation, Algeria
is located in the Northern
Africa. It was frequently ruled
by the French invaders and
was colonized for centuries
by France. Revenues from the
oil sector and agriculture
contribute to this nation’s
wealth. Fishing, banking and
finance are other areas where
Algeria generates a good
chunk of money. A large
portion of its population is
concentrated in capital
Algiers. French is also
spoken and understood and
many of its citizens have
moved to France and Spain
for jobs.
#10) Egypt
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: $
Capital City: Cairo
With high output of more
than $500 Billions, Egypt’s
economy is second only to
South Africa. It is the tenth
richest country in Africa on
this list of top 10. It has the
largest population in Middle-
East and is thenation known
for pyramids and the Great
Sphinx. It was one of the
victims of Arab Spring and
President Hosni Mubarak
who succededAnwar Saadat
was deposed. And
Mohammad Morsi was
elected President after wide
public support. Later, he
himself was deposed in
bloodless coup only to be
succeeded by Al-Sisi. Egypt is
also the center of learning of
Sunni Islam. The Grand Al-
Azhar University of Islamic
studies is situated in Egypt.

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